Mr. dr Tatjana Motrenko-Simić

Mr. dr Tatjana Motrenko-Simić


Tatjana Motrenko Šimić currently is Director of Human Reproduction Centre in Budva, Montenegro. She received her Medical Degree from University of Belgrade, in 1985, and continues on same University her postdoctoral studies researching preeclampsia, where she obtains MSc in Human Reproduction and Perinatology. She trained Obstetrics and Gynecology at Medical School University of Belgrade and graduate with excellent mark, continuing further postgraduate fellowship in Reproductive medicine at Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Belgrade and Bologna Italy. Her major interests are reproductive endocrinology and hysteroscopy as a part of endoscopy. She is lecturer in postdoctoral studies and Residency Training Program in Montenegro.

She was in charge from Montenegro Ministry of Health to set up first governmental centre for assisted reproductive techniques in Montenegro at Hospital Cetinje, where she was Head of Human Reproduction Department until 2013. Also, she was involved in group created first law about ART in Montenegro, now is President of Committee for writing new one. Now she is member of National Committee for ART and consultant in Ministry of Health for ART.
She participates in numerous professional societies, and serves on the Executive Committee of ESHRE from 2013. She was president of Montenegrin Society of Human Reproduction, and served as member of Executive Board Mediterranean Society for Reproductive Medicine, member of International Board Fetus as a Patient Society, Executive Board member of South East Europe Association of Perinatology. Member of ESHRE from 2004, she was member of EACC, still is representative of Montenegro in EIM, and as ExCo representative is member of EIM Steering Committee. Among all other activities she was project coordinator in several international projects funded by EU, among them in cooperation between EU Commission and Ministry of Health of Montenegro initiating and take part in organizing TAIEX Multi-Beneficiary Workshop on the Establishment of National ART Registers, for west Balkan countries.

She was lecturer at numerous world, European and international congresses as well as author of numerous publications and chapters.

Sva predavanja Mr. dr Tatjana Motrenko-Simić

PCOS – ultrazvučni i endokrinološki aspekt

12:00 - 12:30
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